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Starr's Planetarium Visit and a Star Gazing Evening.

Charles Sturt Uni - Wangaratta sponsored Starr's Planetarium to visit Wangaratta, all the way from Sydney . Schools from around the region were invited to attend during the day with a Community Session in the evening. All of this was FREE for all participants due to CSU-Wangaratta's support. Just over 240 students from Galen Catholic College, Rutherglen HS and Marian College Myrtleford, got to enjoy the experience.

We were taken on various journeys into space, though our Solar System, landing on Mars, flying through the rings of Saturn, searching for alien life to learning about indigenous star stories.

Gary Starr, had the audience engaged - no matter what age group entered the portable planetarium.

He also pointed out the night sky on the dome roof, which lead perfectly to the first "community outing" of the CSU Telescopes in the evening session after his Planetarium show.

There were clouds about - but we had our fingers crossed, the star gods much have looked down n us and after a little, the clouds parted to give the 50 or so guests the opportunity to spy on Saturn and its fabulous rings. There were many "ohhs and ahhs" as they spotted the ring planet.

Anne Geddis from CSU also had a trick up her sleeve, bringing out popcorn and Local Beechworth apple juice for the young ones that came along. "That is the best apple juice ever" one little one exclaimed!

A great day/evening all around! lots of positive feedback. Big thanks to CSU Wangaratta.

Comment from a Teacher: "Can I thank you for organising this wonderful experience. I got more out of it than the kids as I love astronomy. My class really enjoyed the whole experience. Thanks again. Michael."

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